Coding for Kids Helps U.S. Meet STEM’s High Demand
Educating young minds to enter the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, also known as STEM, should be a crucial aspect of every child’s education if America is to stay competitive with other countries. Reports have shown that the U.S. is lagging behind when it comes to STEM education; that’s why iCode in Frisco, Texas, has a mission to teach kids collaborative learning and problem-solving through robotics and computer programming classes.
Today’s children have educational challenges never seen before in history. Our country has a need for skilled computer programmers to solve problems we don’t even understand yet. Technology moves forward quickly, and other countries, such as Japan, South Korea, and Switzerland, are educating their youth to keep up with STEM’s fast growth, according to Pew Research Center.
Pew also reports that the U.S. does not rank well on the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), which tests 15-year-olds around the world on math, science literacy, and reading ability. In the most recent testing in 2012, the U.S. ranked 35th in math and 27th in science out of 64 countries. Classes in coding for kids are an essential step if America is to catch up with the rest of the world.
The high demand in STEM is only increasing, and iCode understands this unfortunate deficit and seeks to make a change with their amazing classes for kids in grades K through 12. Not only do their programming classes teach essential STEM skills, but their teaching methods reflect forward-thinking educational strategies that incorporate open-ended problem solving, creative thinking, and constructive collaboration.
In an iCode classroom, students have the ability to dive deep into a problem and come up with many possible solutions. Leaving behind old-school teaching techniques allows students to really engage with real problems and learn valuable skills as they prepare for their future. Even the high-tech learning space, dubbed the “Think Tank,” incorporates state-of-the-art technology and inspirational examples that enrich each student’s experience.
Robotics and computer programming classes are offered after school and on the weekends for students of all abilities. They also host special events, monthly speakers, and Friday Night Socials that include games and other competitions. If you have a child that has expressed an interest in technology, visit iCode online to discover everything they have to offer.